Life Connections Peer Recovery Services

Advocacy Archives - UnTours Foundation

Life Connections Peer Recovery Services

Life Connections Peer Recovery Services is a peer-run mental health and addiction recovery service center in Iowa. The UnTours Foundation provided a short-term loan to help cover for a temporary cash crunch, ensuring that the organization’s doors could stay open and its vital services could continue. The Life Connections Peer Recovery Services Origin Story: Todd



AnaOno is a lingerie company specializing in high-quality bras and undergarments for breast cancer patients and survivors and women who want alternatives. What started as a business by Dana Donfree, herself a breast cancer surviver, has turned into a valuable source of information, advocacy, and community for women. “We believe all women are sexy and


Meet the Investee: Dana Donofree of AnaOno

For Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, we held a powerful, loving and inspiring conversation with Dana Donofree about her business, AnaOno. The Untours Foundation was an early supporter of this venture. Dana, a breast cancer survivor herself, creates feminine, comfortable undergarments for cancer patients, cancer survivors, and women who want better options. She set



Fonkoze is a group of organizations created to address and remedy poverty in Haiti, with a focus on financial investment and empowerment of women and their families. Their model offers a Staircase Out of Poverty, a program created to help make real and sustainable change in the lives of the community they serve. Fonkoze Financial


Global Exchange

Global Exchange is a well known human rights organization advocating for social, economic, and environmental justice around the world. Their activist campaigns, travel program, and educational resources target poverty and global inequality. For over 30 years Global Exchange has engaged in humanitarian efforts, organized natural disaster relief, and supported grassroots movements to protect immigration rights,


Keep Media Green

At the Untours Foundation, we have called Media, PA home since our founding. We are grateful to Keep Media Green for their work to protect natural spaces and stand up for environmental causes in our own backyard. Media is the county seat and has seen healthy growth of retail and housing. This advocacy nonprofit organization


Philadelphia Public School Notebook/Chalkbeat

We don’t normally fund nonprofits, but we recently had an opportunity to provide a bridge loan to the Chalkbeat, formerly known as the Philadelphia Public School Notebook (PPSN), an advocacy journalism organization that reports on the public school system of Philadelphia. This independent, nonprofit news organization focuses on topics and themes of vital importance to


Witness to Innocence

Witness to Innocence (WTI) is the only national organization in the United States composed of and led by exonerated death row survivors and their family members. The mission of WTI is to abolish the death penalty by empowering exonerated death row inmates and their loved ones to become effective leaders in the abolition movement. They