The tourism sector accounts for more than 10% of global GDP and jobs. However, for small businesses seeking to thrive in the industry, access to funding opportunities and technical support is not always available. To address this, the TUI Futureshapers programme, in cooperation with UnTours, is providing flexible and affordable capital to entrepreneurs who maximise the positive impact of tourism on local communities. The initiative will support 15 businesses globally, focusing on underrepresented groups in tourism business ownership, such as women, ethnic minorities, and social enterprises with community or environmental impact.
The partnership combines UnTours Foundation’s expertise in creative, catalytic investing with the TUI Care Foundation’s extensive access to the tourism ecosystem, which opens doors to markets, shared knowledge, and professional mentoring from tourism experts within TUI Group. The TUI Futureshapers initiative offers more than just financial support; it also provides technical assistance and mentoring to ensure the success and sustainability of the businesses. Funds will be reinvested as capital becomes available, which allows for continued support of new ventures in the future.
The TUI Care Foundation and UnTours Foundation are jointly building the investment pipeline, making investment decisions, and providing follow-up support to investees. The partnership sets a strong example for other foundations and investors by showing that investing in locally owned, community-enhancing, and environmentally positive tourism businesses can bring positive impact and financial sustainability.