Town and Country Investees

Elizabeth Killough
Untours Foundation

Our investees span the globe, from Indonesia to Africa, California to Philadelphia. Our work has often focused on urban redevelopment, but we value rural communities and their vital role in growing food, tending the earth and providing so many goods which we all depend upon. Many of our investees have more than one placeĀ  where they do business — for example, Pachamama Coffee is owned by rural coffee growers in Central and South America, but its roastery and coffee shop provides jobs in the city of Sacramento, CA.


One of our recent investees is New Day Chester, right in our backyard of Chester, the oldest city in Pennsylvania. This beautiful video tells a short story of the city and how New Day Chester is reviving the city through arts and the MJ Freed Theater.


Fonkoze,Ā a longtime investee (in which we have reinvested more than once), works in Haiti, providing microloans along with education and support to break the cycle of poverty. Learn how the women of Fonkoze support each other and grow food, sell goods and provide for their families in this video.

Learn more about all of our investees here!

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