General Manager Mark Brown Gold Swarthmore CO-OP, Swarthmore, PA. ( David Swanson / Staff Photographer ) Swarthmore CO-OP, Swarthmore, PA. 09-16-11 DMRCOOP22 Locavores spark another growth spurt: # of community food coops is about to double both nationally and locally. Also, a new group, mid-stlantic assoc of coops ws formed. AND, phila was chosen to house the only east coast office of CoFED, a national nonprofit that helps coops get started on campuses; Sept. 30-oct 2 is their first gathering here. ALSO, for the first time, the national coop convention will be held in philly (june 2012). Locally, the 4 new start up coops are in Elkins park, kensington, south philly, doylestown. we have national experts explain why a food coop is a better investment than any small business. art in swarthmore of the country's oldest coop still in operation, founded in 1937. Reporter is Diana Marder. (4)
Food co-op in Media, PA, that sourced Fair Trade Certified ingredients for some of Media’s restaurants.
ResiRest is transforming how communities benefit from tourism by connecting travelers with local families for authentic, home-cooked meals. Founded in…